Stress Management

As we already discussed about good health and why it is important for us in previous article. We discussed our step one that how Nutrition effects our body, mind, immune system and longevity. So now it’s time to talk about our next step for better health.

Millions of adults and children say that they feel stress or anxiety daily or occasionally. Many people can deal with different stress related to work, family issues, health problems, financial obligations etc. Even some research shows that parents who are in professions such as healthcare and social works can more likely to have higher stress levels. I hope you can now understand our next step to optimize health.

Manage Stress

Chronic stress of daily life can increase risk of health conditions such as depression, heart diseases, diabetes, thyroid, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep problems, obesity, memory and concentration problems, headaches, rapid disorganized thoughts, digestive problems, Alzheimer’s disease, muscle pain and many more. I must have to say that stress is “RAVAN” for our health and for healthy life, every person should try to avoid or try to manage stress.

Some tips to relieve or manage stress :

• Do meditation or listen your favorite slow music at least for 10 minutes before sleep.
• Yoga will help you to get rid of stress.
• Follow healthy diet.
• Reduce screen time. Avoiding blue light from smart phone and laptop at least before 2 hours from sleep.
• Going for a walk, reading a good positive book, getting massage can help manage stress.
• Practicing your hobby can help a lot in a stress management.
• Spend quality time with friends and family.
• Learn to say “NO” to avoid some procrastination.
• Spend some time with nature and practice deep breathing.

Stress is an unavoidable part of life but fortunately, we can manage it by this evidence-based strategies. As a dietician here I suggest some food which help you feel good by boost happy hormones.

Food to avoid :
• Sugar, simple carbohydrates, sweets, chocolates
• Caffeinated drinks
• Alcohol
• Processed food

You can eat :
• Nuts and seeds, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, green leafy vegetables,
• Lots of water
• Fish
• Dark chocolate
• Avocado etc.

Sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchi can influence the release of happy hormones. Spicy food may trigger endorphin release. Yogart, beans, eggs, almonds are linked to dopamine release.